EMAAS Membership


A person of distinguished merit, citizen of any country or even without citizenship, independently of sex, nationality, race and political orientation, may apply for membership for their outstanding achievements in science and arts. The applicant must have a Doctor’s degree and an appropriate curriculum vita; the list of the scientific publications (up to 100 articles and books), be eminent as a scholar/scientist and two reference letters by distinguished scientists to support her/his application. A candidate must have interdisciplinary background and act in response to the mission and vision of the Academy. EMAAS nominates scientists, scholars and experts of international distinction who have successful academic status and exceptional standing in society as a result of their accomplishments, publications or for analogous talents. The primary criterion for membership is sustained academic excellence in a specific field. Membership is  attained   thorough a petition, review, and election process. 

A candidate will deliver a short introductory information about her/his achievements through online meeting. 

Criteria for election in scientific/scholarly order 

  •  Full Professors status (provided by the university procedure of nomination), 
  •  Ph.D. or equivalent, 
  • Publications: (about 100 articles or book chapters, or equivalent).

Criteria for election in the artist order:  

  • Visual arts: art academy degree, solo exhibitions in well-known (public) museums in different countries,  at best one published monograph about their work 
  • Architecture: university degree, published monographs, public buildings in different countries, and  architectural prize(s)
  • Music: music academy degree, performance/s at the concerts in famous places in different countries, at best one national musical distinction 
  • Literature, Writers/authors: university/academic  degree,  national literary prize(s) and books translated in other languages.